Celeste Fox
Celeste Fox
Director of Assisted Living
Celeste Fox, Executive Director of Assisted Living at The Victorian, arrived at Broad Reach in 2019 with extensive experience working at Elder Services as a home care supervisor, so she was well prepared for her next career step. Her earlier work had focused on juveniles, foster care settings, which broadens her perspective even more. And her personal history adds depth:

“When my mom became ill, I stepped in and became her caregiver,” Celeste recalls, who moved back to upstate New York. “I think that all comes together to help me have an understanding of where people are coming from when they arrive here at The Victorian. We talk about what’s in the home versus what we can do here, because there’s always that key question: Is this the right time to transition to assisted living? I’m blessed to be able to have those conversations from both professional and personal experience.”

She finds that she always makes one suggestion: “Please, ask as many questions as you want, as many questions as you can think of.”

The Victorian has 40 apartments. Celeste directs 25 staff, nurses and resident service assistants, activities team, and culinary staff. That makes “the Vic,” as some affectionately call it, smaller than many assisted living residences.

“We can take one look in the dining room and know who isn’t there,” says Celeste. “We know who likes ice in their water, and who doesn’t. In the morning I can say hi to someone walking past and think, ‘Hmm, something seems a little off today. Maybe it’s nothing more than just getting started on the day, but maybe I should ask a nurse to check.’”

Then again, she adds, “there are people who might want a bigger place, who like being more anonymous, so it’s important to understand that before decisions are made.”

There are misconceptions about what assisted living entails, she notes:

“People will come here pretty independent, they drive, go to appointments. Over time they might need more help, and so we might assume making sure they have their medications, that they understand they no longer should be behind the wheel. Overall, our goal is to keep people independent and safe.”

With inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation next door, hospice also a part of the Broad Reach campus, there is continuity and that improves the chances that when people come to The Victorian, they have the support they need. Celeste offers that perspective to families considering a move, while urging them to be sure to include the family member who might actually become a new community member:

“It’s important that people want to come here and know they’re coming here,” she says. “So again, my advice is always to have everyone come and talk to us. That makes it easier to understand if they might want to try this, if it feels right, and that in turn makes it much more likely that it will become a wonderful, successful experience.”

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